Prudhomme’s Landing – Abandoned Hotel and Waterpark – Wet ‘N’ Wild

This week’s adventure? Visit an abandoned Waterpark and Hotel. Closed in 2002, there isn’t very much left of the Prudhomme’s Landing Inn and Wet ‘N’ Wild Water Park. Looks like nature is taking back the space.

Eerily quiet and overgrown I spent some time there this long weekend. To see what the park looked like in it’s hey day, check out the link.

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild entrance sign

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild glass

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

motel room-3252

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild Vines Taking Back

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild rusty chain

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild fire hydrant

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild  mosquitos plants

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild  mosquitos plants

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild  arrow

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild  lights

graffiti building Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing - Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild bird roof

baby birds Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild baby birds

robin eggs Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild eggs nest

Prudhomme's Landing Inn and  Water Park Wet 'N' Wild robin eggs

174 thoughts on “Prudhomme’s Landing – Abandoned Hotel and Waterpark – Wet ‘N’ Wild

      1. in the 60’s we attended fancy balls,( my last gown was black velvet and white satin the event was evening in paris )
        swam at a fabulous indoor pool – saw summer theatre with famous actors….”them there days are gone “…..the photos are stunning reminders that timeschange and greatness will deteriorate when neglected thankyou for the perspective Suzanne

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    1. I used to go here every summer for my mom and dads work picnic. We would do three legged races, sac races and other fun contests. Loved that water park. Its like a piece of my childhood died looking at these. Very sad.

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      1. I used to go there every summer as well for the 7-11 company picnic day. It was great because all the adults would give me there go kart tickets and I would be on them half the day. Awesome times.

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      1. I would love to see pics of that as well! If I remember correctly, it was closed even before 2002 due to a floor collapse, and I think it was later either demolished or burned down. Any photos of that old farmhouse would be from the 1990s. I hope some exist!


  1. So miss it my dad worked there when it first open.. when he had us kids and took us there the owner still treated him like family and was very good to us my sister kids went when they were kids as well.. i won the 1983 i think water melon contest for my age group not sure of the year.. the t-shirts they had said on the back Life is the pits watermelon Wednesday 😀 good times sad to see now..

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      1. I worked at Prudhomme’s as a teenager – so did my sisters. I worked the snack bar at the roller rink. Lots of families and kids had a lot of fun there. It wasn’t such a fun place to work though.
        Great pics Trish.

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      1. A related article says there was too much hotel development to compete with up the highway which made more sense to stop there instead at other water parks and accommodations.


  2. I live very close to it. Take my dog for a walk here all the time. Pretty sad how such a large piece of lakefront property has been neglected and now looks like an Ontario’s version of Chernobyl.

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  3. I drive by this everyday and it’s so sad to see this place look the way it does. I have fond memories of Prudommes Wet n Wild. It was “the place” to go when I was kid. 80’s kid I was. Why is this still an eye sore and not torn down.? It was even more amazing back in the 60’s. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You may have been disappointed. The truth is that it was never very large or very impressive. It was however suitable and affordable and probably loved more now in our memories than it was at the time. I think it just gives us locals a reason to be nostalgic. i fear we’ll soon be over the piers in Port Delhousie.

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      2. When i was a child we went to wet n wild for our end of year school trips. It was the highlight of my whole school year. Everytime i pass it on the highway i say im going to pull up and wander through one day. Thank you for the pics:)

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      3. Used to be my favorite place to go as a kid. Wave pool was awesome, bumper boats, water slides and go karts were my faves. The Chernobyl comment hit the nail on the head. So sad no one has transformed this property into something beautiful.

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      4. Even before Wet N Wild, there was a beautiful theatre there and famous people came to perform in plays. It’s very sad to see the way it has been allowed to deteriorate. At one time, immigrants lived in the motel units at the back. I hope they didn’t leave them in that condition. It will be developed, of course into condominiums, probably. A real loss to the Niagara community.


      5. It would be nice if people had pictures of it back in the day that they could scan and post along with these for comparison. That would be something to see.

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      6. Here is a link of some photos while it was in open working condition

        I too visited and loved the park in the 80’s and was to “chicken” to ever make it all the way through the haunted house..

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  4. Very sad indeed . I also spent alot of time there as a kid in the 80s. Although i find these photos to be fascinating. Thank you for posting them and by doing so giving me a mini virtual tour and i must say it’s nice to see mother nature taking back what’s hers. I’ll be even more sad when the day comes (and it will eventually) when they pour more concrete to build condos or some other such project.

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  5. Wow I remember my dad’s work picnic’s there and getting a season pass one year for my birthday.. is any of the hotel still open

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      1. That sucks so many things are gone now from childhood like Wet-N-Wild, The Roller Skating Rink which is now a library


      2. They did build…beginning in ~2000, we bought ours in 2001, Fowlers just developed (Maracay Taro Homes) the West in Phase 1 and 2. There have been multiple submission to develop the waterpark lands as well, beginning with the original 4 store retail, then an 8 store, then a 25000sq ft sports hall of fame, then the next plan was basically a whole village with retail on main floor and condos/living above, townhomes, 3 ~10 story buildings etc. When 2008 economy tanked I think they had the land but not the money to develop themselves so they began looking for partners since this is the largest piece of develop-able waterfront property between NF and TO. We’ve been here (Victoria Shores since 2001) and we’ll make sure they don’t pull another fast one promising homeowners waterfront access and then have the lawyer screw up and then sell the waterfront lots as private waters-edge ownership eliminating any one from walking along the beach without basically being a tresspasser. The region developers wanted public access but ‘someone’ agreed to basically privatize Ontarions lake rights.

        PS. Not only is Tim Horton still open, Subway is as well. Several suspicious fires over the years BK, VicHall, Hotel…just a matter of time the rest goes up if the Town doesn’t make them bulldoze this hazard.


  6. Very sad the hotel and the water park had to close . I worked in the hotel in the 90’s and spent a lot of summers at wet n’ wild. Great pictures you took .

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      1. If you look way in the back, there is one kids ride still standing, it takes some exploring to find. The Haunted House burned down some time ago and the Tilt-A-Whirl and Bumper Cart track were just recently removed this year, same with the blue slide. Amazing pictures.


  7. I used to love to go there but it was expensive! Go karts, water slides, wave pool and the haunted house! Good times! It was sad to hear it closed. Also the Burger King and Tim Hortons were regular hangouts for us!

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  8. Worked here for many years as a teen. McCabes was so busy. I started off making salads and desserts and moved up to line and prep cook. $3.70hour haha. Plus they gave us 2 free passes for wet n wild for our days off. Worked in the hotel housekeeping and in banquet hall also, bled hall. Prudhommes landing was a great place. Sad to see it like this. I remember the wrights had the best candy store there. It was always busy. Candy, iced cream, gifts. And there was Subway. I worked there also. We used to ride our bikes around the camp ground. We were allowed to swim in the hotel pools. Go carts were fun. I miss the 80’s/early 90’s. Great memories

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    1. I worked at McCabes too as a teen. The Fowlers were amazing to work for and they would have the restaurant staff parties at the park after park closed. Great memories and so sad to see what it looks like now!

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  9. I grew up in the waterpark and went roller skating with my wife (back in the day)
    Both my sister and I worked at the restaurant, and worked briefly at the Haunted House.
    Very sad to see it gone….it would’ve been a great thing for my kids to grow up to as well!
    Great pics Melanie!! Thank you!

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  10. I worked at the park summers while in high school. Bumper boats, go carts, tilt a whirl, bumper cars, games, etc. It was a popular place back then.

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  11. Neat but eerie. I used to work there in the park and it was one of my most fondly remembered summer jobs. The staff, patrons and park reminded me of the movie “The Way Way Back.” It was an awesome experience and I am sad to see it so abandoned and uncared for – but nature’s reclaiming of it is really beautiful.

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  12. Wow ! Really cool ,
    When my mom would take me to my riding lessons in Vineland we. Would often drive by and comment on how spooky “that place” looks ! Never knew there was a water slide !
    Why did they shut it down ?

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      1. Just some information to add, the haunted house was torn down when the major portion of the property was abandoned. Lincoln Town Council was concerned it would attract trespassers and the house itself was structurally unsafe. Soon after that the dance hall burned down in a suspicious fire, as did the abandoned Burger King years later. The reason the park closed was because of insurance rates and the cost of repairing the property from vandalism over the winter months when it was closed. It became a losing venture with poor attendance in the short operating season. The park area out back is part of the Victoria Shores property, and is slated for phase two building but is on hold awaiting the sale of the hotel property. The hotel is now used for training exercise with the various police and military agencies. The reason it sits abandoned now is that the two brothers who own it are Toronto based real estate speculators who like the three other stakeholders in adjoining properties are holding out for big numbers, which are not far off as development moves closer.

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  13. My family camped there as a kid. With that we always had seasons passes to the park. My dads work had their work picnic’s there and we even had our grade 8 end of the school trip there!!! That place was the best!!! Love the water slides, roller skating and the tilter world!!! We would go cart till the car closed. I have sooooo many memories as a kid. I was there every week end and all summer long!!
    Sad to see no one could keep it going. People pay sooo much money to go to bissels up in Pelham and that place sucks prudhomme’s landing was way better!!!! Sad

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  14. I worked with a charity that has held an event there the past two summers…..the clean up that we had to do in order to use the parking lot was unreal.

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  15. Back around 1989, I was a porter and a dish….I used to work at Victoria Hall for many wedding functions …worked at McCabes. ….lots of picnics in the waterpark catered functions. ..Way to many good times when I was around 16… Ĺoved that place. . Now I’ll drive the motorcycle through the park. There is definitely a very weird feeling when you stand at the edge of the wave pool and can picture hearing all the fun screams of enjoyment of people having a great time. Now it’s just an eerie silence. Wish I could go back and enjoy all those great memories.

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  16. I remember seeing Beatlemania there. So many fun times, wave pool, bumper boats, waterside, haunted house my friends were to scared to go into. As a teen in the 80s it was the best place to go and to work all week to spend there on a weekend with friends. Some of my best teen memories were there. I drive by there often and always hope they make something for the tourists to come and see, even if it is not a water park make it a place young people can go, and families to have fun. We need more places to go.

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  17. I had my wedding reception at the Victoria Hall and we were given a room to change into our going away clothes. After that we returned to have our last dance of the night. It was 1984 on October the 6th. Very sad to see how things have changed.

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  18. I used to visit every summer with family and friends. It’s sad how it has just been abandoned.

    I tell my kids stories of the fun times I had.

    Thank you for the pictures to see what has happened.


  19. I had my wedding reception in 1995 in the banquet hall that is attached to the hotel, was married in the white church at balls falls, had the reception there and then stayed at a bed & breakfast in Jordan. Sadly my marriage ended up just like this place, dead and desolate.


  20. I grew up there. Every summer there would be picnics or our parents would just drop us off to get rid of us for the day. I worked in the hotel as a housekeeper and most of my friends worked in the restaurant. Best mullitawny soup ever.

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  21. I remember the bumper boats go karts the pool,playing ski ball and getting roach clips with feathers on them 25 cents a game….now its a toonie.I also remember the haunted house and miniature world next to the park,also reminds me of maple leaf village in niagara falls back in the day….all gone now,life was simple in the 80s……

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  22. yeah it is sad it closed down I was disappointed even though I didn’t go for years I got older but I had so many memories there and went so often as a kid…used to go with my buddy every summer we’d save our money from our paper routes and spend the day there on the go-karts and waterpark. it was so much fun…the only place that was close by. made us feel like we were independent as youngsters I guess. I also remember the GM picnics every year or so they had…we used to go there with like 100 dollars and spend it there in a day 50 bucks just on go-karts and get the day pass to the waterpark for 10 bucks or so…good times:)

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  23. I used to go their as a kid. I think this is eerily beautiful. It really does show you how we (the human race) are just a moment in time and nature will always take back the land we soil.

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  24. We took our kids there in the 80’s and 90’s .they still talk about the fun on the water slide and wave pool. Learned how to golf on the mini putt and drive on the bumper cars. Kids and parents enjoying
    Time together without a T.V. Or computer. They were the best !

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  25. Went there many times as a kid on our school trips,out door roller rink and haunted house were my favorites:) then took my own kids, had a blast in the wave pool!!!


  26. Such a shame. I remember going here every summer with friends/family or even for my Dad’s work picnic. We always had a great time. Bumper boats were awesome 🙂 My Dad would take me on the go carts because I was too young to drive (maybe too chicken) lol After this place closed I often wished that someone would buy it and fix it up so I would be able to make memories there with my children..


  27. Was so sad to see this close down.. We are local and it was the only thing Vineland had for entertainment. .Wish it was still open…
    so sad…what a waste…


  28. We also visited there this past weekend..we drove through what we could on our bicycles. .even the wave pool is grown over with grass…hated to see what a great park turned into…very upset. ..


  29. interesting ……….but so sad ……………….think it needs to be torn down before somebody burns it down


  30. Great memories of the place went there every summer as a kid. I always had fun there. It would be nice to see it open again so I could take my kids. More to do there than at Confederation Park wave pool.


  31. my childhood best friend’s grandparent use to live in the hunted house there before it came the hunted house … Good memories there


  32. I worked at the snack bar/roller rink as a teenager. Good times and the people were awesome!!! The Fowlers owned it at the time . Great memories I will always cherish ❤


  33. Nice! There was this one section in the waterslide that went into a tunnel and you could slow down and climb on the sides of the walls then wait for your friends to all come down behind you and jump on them! Good times.
    Anyone know why it closed down?

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  34. It Was the best haunted house! So much fun!

    Went to a really fun wedding there too! I remember the bumper boats…… I wish someone would reclaim it and do something awesome for families to use…. Bring back some old fashion clean fun. I bet it would do well. People are looking for some lower cost family places for the kids. If we could only turn back time. Maybe someone has some photos of it in its glory???? Would love to see those added.

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  35. The best part of this park was the Haunted House. One of the best. They had people inside doing various scary things. It had a chicken wall of fame for those who didn’t make it through. Spent lots of time here as a teen. Thanks for sharing the pics and link to the the park in its hey day.


  36. Very beautiful.

    I do hope you didn’t get too close to the baby birds or the eggs, and that you had a really good zoom. The mother may have abandoned them for being so close to a human.


  37. thank for the trip down memory lane trish. i pass this location uite frequently and rarely give it a second thought. today you have me recalling fond memories.


  38. Thanks for blogging this! I used to work as a lifeguard here. The reasons listed above for selling are accurate based on my understanding (attendance/profit vs. upkeep and insurance). I was interested to hear why the building hadn’t begun yet because when we were informed to look for summer employment elsewhere it was because homes were being built…13 years later, no homes. Good memories. My favourite pictures was of the bird’s nest and eggs. A sign of life and hope in an otherwise desiccating place.


    1. They did build…beginning in ~2000, we bought ours in 2001, Fowlers just developed (Maracay Taro Homes) the West in Phase 1 and 2. There have been multiple submission to develop the waterpark lands as well, beginning with the original 4 store retail, then an 8 store, then a 25000sq ft sports hall of fame, then the next plan was basically a whole village with retail on main floor and condos/living above, townhomes, 3 ~10 story buildings etc. When 2008 economy tanked I think they had the land but not the money to develop themselves so they began looking for partners since this is the largest piece of develop-able waterfront property between NF and TO. We’ve been here (Victoria Shores since 2001) and we’ll make sure they don’t pull another fast one promising homeowners waterfront access and then have the lawyer screw up and then sell the waterfront lots as private waters-edge ownership eliminating any one from walking along the beach without basically being a tresspasser. The region developers wanted public access but ‘someone’ agreed to basically privatize Ontarions lake rights.

      PS. Not only is Tim Horton still open, Subway is as well. Several suspicious fires over the years BK, VicHall, Hotel…just a matter of time the rest goes up if the Town doesn’t make them bulldoze this hazard.


  39. So it’s not illegal to go walk around? I’ve always wanted to go back. I had fun here as a kid. School trips, my dad would take me for a day and I’d make him go on the water slides. Then he would drive my friends n I there when we were older. Most vivid memories are going with school and sitting in the hot tub with my friend and a lady with long armpit hair sat down across from us and we were so shocked. Lol. We talked about that for months after.
    Also with the same friend and her sister we went right after the x files ep bad blood came out and mulder gets drugged and starts to sing shaft can ya dig it. And we decided to try n make a record on how many times in a row we could ride the tilt a whirl. They didn’t even make us get off and back on after a while. Anyway we found it hilarious that the staffs shirts said STAFF on the back and sang that song over and over and over STAFF can ya dig it. Man we laughed so hard that day. Btw our record was 13 in a row. I’ve now beat that and got to 21 lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome share!

      There may have been one no trespassing sign way over by Timmy’s. No locked gates where we went in though , behind the hotel.


  40. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I worked in park admissions around ’85-’88 and the place was bustling. It was a great job for a teen as we could use the park, and the end of year staff party was a blast. Pay was mediocre and labour laws either didn’t exist or certainly weren’t followed (making everyone come in on bad weather days then sending everyone home with zero pay, the 15 minute time clock which resulted in a lot of unpaid time, having people work standing in the blazing sun with no breaks). But overall it was a great job for a teen. I do remember one very sad summer (1987?) when two young lifeguards, I remember their names were Brett & Jay, were killed in a car crash nearby. So sad. Next time I have the opportunity to drive by without my kids I’d love to have a wander.

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    1. Brett and Jay were in some of my classes at BDSS. I remember that time. Very sad. I agree with the lack ilof breaks. I quit one day because of this. My parents made me go back and get my job back
      I did surprisingly.

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  41. I loved it there i remember the haunted house being the scariest for it’s time. i was too scared to enter the place lol. the good ole chicken door lol

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  42. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. My uncle had his wedding reception at the hall in August ’84. The park gave us free admission to the rides at that time. Also remember when Tivoli Miniature World was there too as a separate attraction. The water slide was heated too but never seemed that busy.

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  43. So many great memories! It was a big part of my teenage years as we spent several days there doing skipping shows (Lincoln Leapers) at Tivoli Miniature world. So sad to see but it’s kind of like a train wreck…can’t stop looking – and I would still love to see more. How about the wave pool and Tivoli? Roller rink?

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Thank you for the pictures. I have many happy memories of going with my brother and parents and I was sad when it closed. I wanted to bring my step son for the same memories and could not years ago. Sad that condos will most likely go in there and ruin our memories

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  45. Ive always wanted to venture in there to see what it looks like now. I have seen many pics my friends have taken. My mom use to take us kids there. My sister and I learned how to roller skate for the first time there. The water slide was my first slide to go down. I sure was scared to climb those stairs then to come down the water slide. Once I was down you couldn’t keep me off of it. 🙂 then I kept staring at the go carts thinking I wanna try them. It took me a few more visits before I build up the courage to get on it. Finally I did and I had fun. Needless to say I had a few firsts at that park. I was sad to see it shut down. Great memories! Thanks for sharing and bringing me back to my childhood.

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  46. A lot of memories at this place too bad they close it up to let it go to nothing…. Lots of laughter and family gatherings it was the best place for a family pinic. As I read the comments it’s great to see how many did use it, but obivisiously the people that bought didn’t have any connection with this place… I even remember Minture World… The days that are just memories now

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  47. I worked there when I was 16, 30 years ago. Was very busy with school groups etc. Worked the bumper cars and tilt a whirl. Keep meaning to stop in and look around. Good pics. Sad.

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  48. You did a wonderful job on the pictures …… before the water park, the zoo was there, and we went at least 2 or 3 times each summer, and then in the winter we would go swimming in the ‘indoor’ pool, the only one in the area ! After I got married, we spent many, lazy summer afternoon there with the kids….so sad to see it this way….

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  49. I worked here the last two years it was open (’99 & ’00) as a lifeguard. So disappointed when I found out that my summer job was shutting down. Best job ever!

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  50. Way back in the 50s before a haunted house and water park were even thought of, Prudhommes was the place to go for a lovely Sunday meal. I always ended my meal with their Creme de menthe parfait which was delicious. The view and surroundings were wonderful and we all dressed in our best clothes to go there and be spoiled.
    When I turned 16 my mom planned a huge party for me at Prudhommes. That would have been 1957. She arranged for a gentleman to come and teach us all square dancing around the indoor pool and we all had a wonderful time dancing and swimming to the square dancing music. That was a night I will never forget.
    Following graduation from NFCVI I went away for nurses training, and when I returned I was shocked to see the way Prudhomes was going –such a shame that it couldnèt have been purchased by some big chain and maintained at the standards it had in the 50s.. Niagara has lost all its glamour trading Prudhomes and Crystal beach and the lovely.peaceful NIagara parks for Casinos and Honky tonk subsides on Clifton Hill. Life was much better in the 50s.when we could drive and park throughout the park, picnic, and watch the tourists.

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  51. I worked there as a kid from grade 6 to grade 13. !960 to August 1967( that is when there was a fire).
    John Prudhomme would be rolling in his grave if he saw it like this. In the sixties there was Horse riding, a zoo, large farm, the Rec centre with a 9 hole par 3 golf course, indoor swimming pool with an underground tunnel to the main hotel, arcade, bowling alleys- 4 five pin auto lanes and 4 lanes that could be used as 10 or 5 pin, a theatre at night for plays where I met Jane Mansfield, Liza Minnelli ,Yvette Mimieux etc during the day at the rec centre where they would come to pass the time.
    There was an outdoor pool as well, male and female staff houses for the summer time when extra help was needed. A snack bar by the rec centre, large house for the actors, a house for the on site barber, gift shop and several dining rooms. A beach by the pier for swimming and fishing and many late night parties, a train that took people all over the property. It was the best place to work as a kid and I had the best time of my life with many fond memories and I ultimately met my wife because of Prudhommes. ( Thanks John)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They had great theatre there back in the sixtys! Actors would come out in the restauraunt after the plays and mingle with everyone! Two actors I met there were Raymond Burr and Mickey Rooney. Don’t know of any place that does summer stock now!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I met both of those actors as well when they came to the recreation centre during the day in the mid sixties.
        My favourite was Jane Mansfield, she came to me at the cash register for change to play the pinball machines. It was definitely a magic era and I am fortunate to have worked there.

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  52. hi Trish

    I was looking to gain access to this site, legitimately of course. Can I contact you somehow? I can be contacted at the address attached to this post.


  53. Hey there, I live in the Niagara region and I’m wondering how to access this. Can I simply show up to the location off the service road or is there a secret way to get to the abandoned park?


    1. When I was there it was very easy to just walk in. I’ve heard, through comments on this post that developers have come in and I’m not sure about access now.


  54. I worked there for a summer on the rides and go-karts with my brother and some friends. I believe it was the second to last summer before closing (99?). By that point, the writing was on the wall. I don’t think too many of us were surprised it closed. The haunted house along with a few minor attractions had closed and some of the rides were in bad shape. I loved working there but it was sad to see the direction it was going.

    Thanks for the update!


  55. Whats the address for it? I’ve searched online but the address didn’t get me there and I didn’t see a Timmies.


    1. 335 N Service Rd, Vineland Station, ON L0R 2E0

      Take the Victoria Ave. exit and Timmies/P.L is on the north side of the QEW along the North Service Rd.


  56. I sometimes go there to eat at Timmies. I think Subway is still open as well.
    When P.L. was in the height of its heyday, it was a very popular spot for the youth. It was the only park I knew of that had bumper boats! The go-cart track was a 1/4 mile long and it was fun! I tell people that that is where I learned to drive. Sure do miss that park. I always wanted to buy it and fix it up if I had that kind of $$$$ but after seeing the pictures of the moist insulation falling through the bedroom roof I think it would be best to tear it all down. Sure wish I could keep the P.L sign as it is the only thing still in tact.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Thanks for the child hood flash back. My mother and I were talking about the haunted house (it was a rite of passage for my family when we were young) I looked for pic’s of the haunted house and found your site. Disappointing how it looks now BUT it was great to relive one of my favorite childhood memories. Thank you for taking the time to post


  58. Thanks for posting Trish. Great pictures. Brought me down memory lane when as a youth I used to go there with friends all the time. Actually even stayed at the hotel when I was in town for a wedding. (I think it was managed by Days Inn at the time around 1994) They forgot to charge me the nights fee of $65.00, maybe that’s the reason they went into receivership, lol, don’t know.

    Liked by 1 person

  59. One other thing. Geoff’s information is incorrect. Property is not owned by 2 brothers from Toronto. It’s been owned for the last 30 years by the same investment firm based out of St. Catharines. They are currently trying to sell it.

    Liked by 2 people

  60. Found memories of my father here. My mom and him split up when I was young in the 70’s. He lived in the hotel and my sister and I would visit him in his 2 bed hotel. We walked down to the water and skipped rocks. Sadly it wasn’t long after that I never saw him again. Loved that place back then.

    Liked by 1 person

  61. My self among 3 other friends went last night at around 6:30 and an older guy came flying out if the trail in his truck and told us ” get lost or i will step on you” we left because that was feeky obviously and when we got back to the car our 4 fully charged phones where dead, quite the expirece.


  62. Another fire yesterday, this time at the old hotel. Fortunately, (and much appreciated by this neighbour) the new owners have indicated demo permits applied for and plans to tear down the hotel excluding tim hortons/subway/antique centre beginning in the next couple weeks. Hope they are more responsible than the previous owners in keeping the noxious weeds cut and property maintained as it is redeveloped. (all imo)


  63. anyone remember when West 49 developed a skate park within Wet and Wild? i don’t think the skate park lived longer than a summer or two before being burned down….


  64. Fantastic pics! I’m glad you got to take these before everything was demolished in ’17. I went here about half a dozen times with my dad and brother in the late 90’s and probably 2000-2001.

    Some insight about the haunted house: It closed even before the water park did. I couldn’t find any mention of it online, but it was shut down because a floor collapsed while people were going through the attraction, and there was at least one injury. I assume the haunted house was either demolished or burned down long before your visit here. I wish I could find the old newspaper article about the floor collapse, but it may be lost in time!


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