Pause Beauty Giveaway

There is no better way to end a tough week than by visiting the spa and my favourite spa is Pause Beauty. You know I love these guys. I can’t say enough great things about this place and it seems like I’m doing a pretty good job of working my way through their list of services. It was time for some spring maintenance and a late Friday afternoon appointment was just what I needed. After my appointment with waxing ninja Erica, I was treated to a pedicure. Performed by the newest staff member Jamila it was just what I needed. A chance to sit, soak my feet, chat with staff and other clients. A chance to relax.

pedicure pause beauty

One of the topics that came up was a giveaway, for you guys, my followers. So here is a chance to win a free facial at Pause Beauty. I’m going to make it as easy as possible to win. To enter you can do any of the following: Share this post and leave me a comment letting me know you’ve shared it. The share buttons are all at the bottom of the post. I will also be posting the link on twitter, facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram. Share those for additional chances to win. Contest closes May 3rd at 5:00pm. Prize must be redeemed by the end of May. Thanks to Pause Beauty for the prize and good luck to all of you!

Pause Beauty Boutique Logo

PS Today’s wax cost my under $5 thanks to my Pause Points!

PPS I am loving my pink toes, they match my cupcake!

PPPS You can follow Pause on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

pink polish pause beauty

disclaimer – Friday’s pedicure was complimentary.

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